Monday, May 11, 2009

High School Ministry

This year I have started helping at the Henry Prince High School which is a school run by our mission. I am a counselor having an opportunity to impact some youth especially those with problems in their studies and families. I am enjoying this ministry even though I am getting used to it because I did not know any students at the beginning of the year.
Since I knew I was going to work at Henry Prince I turned down my other ministry as a Christian Education teacher at the other school, named San Simon. However, the principal asked me a number of times to reconsider my decision and to make myself some room to help out with at least some classes. I decided, then, to help teaching just five classes and again this is something I really enjoy but it takes time from me because it is far away.

  • Pray for the number of students I have the chance to be in contact with, many of them have serious family problems. There are so many that live without their parents because they left to Spain or somewhere else overseas.
  • Pray that I can be of any help to them. That I can offer positive and especially godly advices to them. That they can see a good example and someone they can trust and be open with.
  • Pray for my time managment, days go by really fast and many times I find myself with little time to prepare my classes. Pray that I do not perceive this classes as a burden or just a job commitment but as an amazing opportunity to influence these students to turn their lives to God.

Youth Gropus - Discipleship Courses

I am still leading, or trying to lead, both youth groups (Jesucristo Vive and Emanuel) and we have had some great meetings, we are more organized that in the past and we have year goals in every area of youth ministry. We are hoping, by the end of the year we will be able to perceive how far we were from the goals we had at the beginning of 2009.
There is a third youth group that wants me to lead them, however, that is obviously imposible for me. This church is in great need, therefore, I just committed myself to go some random Sundays to teach the youth some doctrine during Sunday School classes. On top of that, I included them to the two discipleship courses I have started.
The courses are “The Mind of Christ” by Hunt and King, and “Believing God” by Beth Moore. Both are wonderful studies and I have over 10 students in each course. In “The Mind of Christ” I have youth from 3 different churches something that I love because they can share and build relationships. Many of them are leaders in their churches and they will be the leaders of the mission in the very near future, therefore, it is essential they build strong bonds.

  • Praise God for the authors of both discipleship courses, the materials are amazing and they have everyone of us hooked and committed to continue our studies. We are all learning a lot and it is so neat to perceive the youth enjoy these studies.
  • Pray for the youth that are studying with me, they are showing already a lot of potential and some of them are leaders in their own churches. I pray they can trust God enough to let Him guide them and lead their lives and future.

Teenstreet 2009

Last January I spent the entire month at my home, with family, in Uruguay. However, I did not travel by myself since we had 16 youth from three different grace churches going to the international Christian camp called Teenstreet. The name of camp this year was “Contagious” and the Bible character to study was Nehemiah. The idea was that passion is essential. When we are passionate for God we will be contagious to even an entire nation. This camp had people from Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay of course, and our representatives from Bolivia. Every one of our bolivian left the camp being impacted by the speakers and the special times at camp. For most of them, it was the first time they were away from home, and the first time overseas.
After camp they went for a week to a missionary trip to some poor and needed neighborhoods in the outskirts of Montevideo, the capital city of Uruguay. They were splitted into groups of eight to ten and were sent to different churches where they spent the week. They had some incredible experiences to the extreme of robbery and witchcraft at the front of the church where they were staying. However, they were protected and guided by our Lord, and nothing bad happened to any of them, and there were testimonies of people that heard the gospel and accepted the Good News.

  • Praise God for the amazing experiences and the protection He gave us during such a long trip (remember is a two day bus ride each way).
  • Praise God the youth were challenged to live for God, and they also experienced unique situations, they shared their testimonies, and God´s love to the world. These practical ministries for some of them was the very first time they even talked to others about their Savior!
  • Pray for the youth that traveled to Uruguay as they came back and now have to face daily life. After experiencing Teenstreet and missions they come back enthusiastic, pray they can build on this so they can pursue the Christian life in spite of the adversities they might have to confront.

Camp in Beni

Beni is a state in the north part of Bolivia. It has a lot of vegetation and wildlife since it is in the amazonic region. My brother, Gusty, pastor of the grace church in Uruguay planned a trip to Bolivia with Ricki Anne our missionary there, and three uruguayan teenagers. We had a unique opportunity to minister at a camp in Beni and over 30 youth from our churches joined the team to lead the camp at Beni. Camp was a great experience and we enjoyed ministering to over a hundred teenagers and youth who enjoyed meeting our international group. After camp we were able to experience a bit of the wildlife in Beni, having the awesome opportunity of touching an Anaconda of 31 feet long! (9.5 meters).

  • Praise God for the awesome trip we had, and the fun we had as we ministered in Beni.

  • Pray for the youth from Beni, who have very few opportunities to progress and many of them have to leave their houses at a young age to come to Santa Cruz to study. Many of them are very poor but it was so neat to experience their worship times. It was uplifting! We honestly had a wonderful time in Beni!

Camp Ministry:

Pics of the Anaconda:

In Beni Taxis are motorcycles: